Jewelry for Breast Cancer Relief
Japan has been having a long, hot summer this year, but today finally felt like summer is finally leaving us.
Long before the summer arrived, I had found a small, hard lump in my chest. I had noticed it before, but it was somehow dismissed by the local Dr when I visited for a check-up this March. I had to prepare for the Tokyo Jewelry Fes event this summer, so I did not think too much about it, but after the event, I casually thought maybe I would give it another check-up for a second opinion. I was diagnosed with breast cancer immediately. It came out as a disappointment rather than shock to me. I had thyroid cancer about 15 years ago, and this was my second cancer diagnosis.
Since I was under 45 year-old, I was suggested to take BRCA test, which is to detect the DNA mutation for ovarian and breast cancer. I was told that the test result could change the treatment and the Japanese national healthcare partly covers the test so I took it and waited for three weeks to receive the result. I am not going to lie, but three weeks felt longer than it was. During that time, I lost my friend for breast cancer. I've never stopped thinking about her ever since. Thankfully my test came back negative. It was a huge relief as the result showed that there was no 50/50 chance for my children to carry the same gene that could cause the particular cancers. I am just so thankful that the medical technology allowed us to learn the generational mutation risk today.
Before all the drama changed my life, one of my friends who have been diagnosed with breast cancer and was going through a chemotherapy had ordered custom earrings from me. Initially, it was one of a kind order, but I thought I wanted to do something to help so I asked her if it was ok to create this pair for a charity for breast cancer awareness. She was more than gracious to let me make copies of the earrings.
It's the heartfelt note collection earrings. I thought this pair of gold organic textured imperfect heart shaped earrings were perfect.
Then I found out about my breast cancer, so it felt like it was meant to be somehow.
The best part is that the entire profit goes to the breast cancer relief. (It's going to be donated in Yen.)
My surgery is scheduled in October, so unfortunately my atelier will be closed after September. All the custom orders and made to order items received after the end of September should expect longer processing time due to my surgery.
I am sorry for the inconvenience, but I appreciate your understanding and support.
My breast cancer journey has only just begun, and it has been a humbling experience. I am not a 24 year-old diagnosed with her first cancer, but I am a mother of two boys with my partner who also was the biggest support going thru my first cancer 15 years ago. This has been a reminder that everything I could do now is not something to take it for granted. All the women who survived and are surviving the breast cancer are my heroes and I am so fortunate to have some of them whom I can call friends in my life. I am just thankful for everything in my life now.
Lastly, I will put the link here for everyone to self-check breast cancer; https://www.nationalbreastcancer.org/breast-self-exam/
The information is within a reach, and it is one easy to step to self-checkup on breast cancer.
My next blog post would probably be after my surgery, so see you next time!